Italian Baja 2022

Interporto Pordenone, the Italian Baja begins

Competitors' checks today, shake down and prologue tomorrow, Saturday the first stage with the selective sector "Zoppola", Sunday the second with "Dignano"


Pordenone, 7 July 2022_ Exhausted but happy and today we begin. Four days at the Interport for the staff of the Off-road Club 4x4 Pordenone, the kermesse valid for the Fia World Cup and European Cup, the Italian Cross Country Baja and SSV Championship begins. Four races that mix the values ​​on the pitch, with the best of the Italian flag and a host of foreign specialists. Starting with Saudi star Yazeed AlRajhi, reigning champion, in his first World Cup outing of the season. Obligatory favorite having already won in 2014 and 2021, reappearing with the official Toyota Hilux Overdrive T1, with formidable potential.



Today the arrival of the competitors, then the general checks of crews and vehicles. Tomorrow morning at 9:00 the shakedown on the Udine side of the Tagliamento, in Sedegliano: 2.5 km to be repeated to test the vehicles. At 6 pm the start of the prologue, SS1 “Valvasone” of 14.50 km which will give the first classification. In the evening (8 pm) the ceremony for choosing the starting numbers for the first ten at the Interport. Saturday SS2 / SS3 "Zoppola" of 122.53 km with start at 8:00 and 13:00, followed by the arrival and awarding of the double Italian Championship and related trophies. On Sunday the last timed portion, SS4 "Dignano" of 126.10 km (start at 8:30 am), reserved only for competitors in the Fia World Cup and European Cup. Prize giving ceremony in the Interport at 1pm, challenging the heat wave, but in this way the entire caravan will have half a day available to return to their respective bases of origin.


Never before has the race been tinged with "pink" like this year: 8 pilots and 14 female navigators out of a total of 72 crews registered. A significant record, a source of pride for the Off-road Club 4x4 Pordenone. “We are open to everyone and we are ready and motivated - declares the general manager Mauro Tavella - to complete a gigantic and painstaking work of months. I thank the volunteers and our collaborators for their commitment and enthusiasm. We are enhancing the territory, Pordenone and Friuli, I think it is right to underline it ".


Carlo Ragogna Press Office Italian Baja

Photo Jiri (MCH Photo)

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