Italian Baja 2013

Varela wins the Italian Baja, Codecà is first in the Italian Cross Country Championship The Brazilian wins the twentieth edition of the Pordenone marathon aboard the Overdrive Proto, Codecà and Pajer take Suzuki to the top step of the podium of the ACI Tricolore race.

Carmine and Lucio Salvi win T2 with the Mitsubishi Pajero Ralliart. Andrea Lolli and Sonia Forti go to the first round of the Suzuki Challenge. Gazzetta and Pizzato first of TH with Suzuki Vitara. It is the Brazilian Reinaldo Varela to win the Italian Baja from the Cross Country history book. That race in Pordenone this weekend was one of the most exciting editions and, above all, the one that celebrates the twenty edition. The South American at the wheel of the Overdrive Proto beat the Polish Holowczyc, a competitive driver but conditioned in the action by the after-effects of an accident suffered in the previous Dakar, and slowed down in running the Mini All4 Racing.



To win the twentieth Baja in Pordenone Varela also had to break the tough resistance of the Russian Gadasin, stopped when he was in command due to breaking of the GForce. Third at the finish was the French expert Schlesser with the buggy he built.




For the Italian colors to celebrate is the milane se of Suzuki Lorenzo Codecà. The reigning Italian champion returned to win the Italian Baja after two years, effectively opening the ACI Tricolore series with an important result. "It was a good race, in the first and second stages with Colombo we went fast, sorry that he had to stop". Says the Grand Vitara 3.6 V6 driver: "This is an important statement in a race with a high coefficient and I really wanted to take home as many points as possible, given that this year the competition stands out." In addition to Riccardo Colombo, unfortunately stopped by a breakdown of the Mitsubishi L200 when he was leading the competition, Codecà pays attention to the performances that Claudio Petrucci seems to be able to achieve, on his unlucky debut at the wheel of the Great Wall, stopped by the breakdown of the power steering.


Franco Grigoletto is also satisfied with the second place of the Italian race, obtained on his return with the Toyota H ilux, assuming the continuation of the season in the ACI Tricolore series - I am satisfied with the good result obtained at the return to the race and I am actually building my participation in the next , in light of the high score I achieved at the Italian Baja-. Third in the Italian classification in the race, and first in T2, are Lucio and Carmin and Salvi who have found a good feeling with Mitsubishi Pajero Ralliart, finishing in fifth place in the international T2, ahead of teammate Elvis Borsoi always with the Mitsubishi Pajero Ralliart but slowed down by some problems on the second day of competition. The race of Andrea Lolli ended with the fifth position overall, who with the Suzuki Grand Vitara is third in T2, but first in the Suzuki Challenge, in an opening round that enhanced the young riders like the rookie Andrea Dalmazzini, second in the trophy, and the more experienced Mirko and Mike Emanuele, good seconds until the turbine broke in the final test, which only allowed him to cross the finish line in fifth place of the Suzuki single-make. The Sicilian brothers were preceded by Francesco Facile, third in the trophy, Denis Bevilacqua fourth, but preceded Alberto Spinetti who opposed Lolli´s affirmation until he went off the road, and Armando Accadia once again opposed by bad luck. The twenty year old Giacomo Trebbi made a good debut in the race, a little distant from the best but struggling in the second stage due to the breaking of the Nissan Patrol clutch. The season starts well for the Piedmontese Diego Salerno, the only one of the three registered in the race to have been able to reach the finish line of the Pordenone fair on board the Polaris Razor, winning the T3 Group and finishing in sixth place in the Italian ranking. It is Alberto Gazzetta who overcomes the pitfalls of a route that has definitely put the off-road vehicles of the Grupp or TH to the test. The Piedmontese won the race, preceding Luca Giomini, first leader and then stopped due to the failure of the Mitsubishi Pajero gearbox, and Paolo Cau who had inherited the first place from the Friulian, only to lose it in the final due to the failure of the Mitsubishi Pajero Evo . (source AciSport)


Absolute rankings

Ranking Italian Baja 2013 (pdf)



Pilot : Reinaldo Varela
Co-pilot : Guglielmin Gustavo
Car : Overdrive proto
Team : Overdrive Racing
Pilot : Krzysztof Holowczyc
Co-pilot : Andreas Schulz
Car : MINI ALL4racing
Team : Monster Energy X-Raid Team
Pilot : Jean Luis Schlesser
Co-pilot : Zhiltsov Konstantin
Car : Schlesser Original
Team : Team Sonagol Schlesser
Pilot : Lorenzo Codecà
Co-pilot : Erika Pajer
Car : Suzuki New Gran Vitara
Team : Suzuki ufficiale
Pilot : Carmine Salvi
Co-pilot : Lucio Salvi
Car : Mitsubishi Pajero
Team : Rallyart Italia
Pilot : Alessandro Ruoso
Car : Yamaha QDY 45
Team : Offroadmotors Fox Shox TE
Pilot : Stephane Peterhansel
Car : Yamaha Wr 450
Team : Yamaha Motor France
Pilot : Alessandro Botturi
Car : Yamaha Wr 450
Pilot : Lukasz Laskawiec
Car : Yamaha Raptor 900
Team : Laskawiec Rally Team
Pilot : Simone Toro
Car : Yamaha YFZ 450
Team : Galaxi Team
Pilot : Kamil Wisniewski
Car : Yamaha Raptor 700
Team : Tadex Rally Team


Italian Baja 2013
Italian Baja 2013
Italian Baja 2013
Varela Guglielmin
Holowczyc Schulz
Kamil Wisniewski
Simone Toro
Lukasz Laskawiec
Alessandro Botturi
Podio moto 2013
Podio moto 2013
Podio moto 2013
Podio moto 2013
Podio moto 2013
Podio moto 2013
Salvi Salvi
Codecà Pajer
Schlesser Zhiltsov
Holowczyc Schulz
Holowczyc Schulz
Reinaldo Varela
Stephan Peterhansel
Carmine Salvi
Alessandro Ruoso
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