Italian Baja 2017

Italian Baja, today the administrative checks and scrutineering

The World Cup’s Eve. The Pordenone Fair will host today the administrative checks and scrutineering for crews and vehicles.


The Italian Baja will be disputed from Tomorrow to Sunday along the Cosa and Tagliamento riverbeds, a 465,34 km track plus 308,95 km of transfers, for a total length of 774,29 km.


Entries include 74 participants, 35 challengers for the World Cup for Cross Country Rally, 39 for the only Italian Championship. But National Bigs, from Elvis Borsoi (Toyota Toyodell) to Lorenzo Codecà and Andrea Toro (Suzuki Grand Vitara), without forgetting the others, will catch scores in both ranks.


Although if the most favored drivers seem to be the foreign Bigs. Protagonist of the first start Mohammed Abu-Issa (Mini All4 Racing), driver from Qatar supported by the X-Raid Team, that’s to say the official Bmw off road Team. Followed by the Pole Aron Domzala (Toyota Hilux Overdrive), winner of the 2016 World Cup in the T3 class, now in the T1 (prototypes) at the beginning of this season, already gaining victory at the Northern Forest in Russia.


Is coming from Poland also Jakub Przygonski (Mini All4 Racing), twice second in Qatar and Kazakhstan, making his debut with cars after facing this track by bike. The “zar” Boris Gadasin (G-Force) doesn’t need to be presented, as we already know him here at the Italian Baja, but he is still looking for the fourth victory after reaching the first position in 2007, 2009 and 2011. The Overdrive Team lines up also he Pole Martin Kaczmarski, the French Ronan Chabot and the Dane Jes Munk with their performing Toyota Hilux, while on board of the G-Force there will also be the Russian Andrey Novikov.


Fans and experts are looking forward to verifying the level reached by SSV, which during the Spring Baja already demonstrated to be able to compete with the “normal” off road vehicles. To obstacle the leadership of Amerigo Ventura and his Quaddy Yamaha, the Polaris Team chose Mauro Trentin with a last generation Razor Turbo.


Press Office Italian Baja

Carlo Ragogna

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