Baja d’Autunno, "Side by Side" formula

25 October 2017

Show challenge in the TM Group between Vagaggini, Ventura and Scandola


When last year Mauro Tavella in Valvasone outlined the traces of the 2017 Italian Cross Country Rally Championship, presenting six races, new coefficients, a system for awarding points that also rewarded the start at the start of each competitor, there were still many who doubted the goodness of a formula revolution.


All the more so by pointing to the latest arrivals, the "Side by Side", the new assault vehicles of the "tout terrain" specialty, the key to the development of the entire off-road movement. Now that only the Italian Baja d’Autunno (11/12 November) is missing to complete the picture, the figures on the balance sheet have already amply satisfied the insiders. Record numbers of participants in all races and a show challenge in the TM Group that attracted not only new competitors, but regenerated many “old” agonists looking for incentives to put on their suit and helmet.


“These trabiccoli with clawed wheels - jokes Mauro Vagaggini - have power, agility and strength to get out of all the most complicated situations of the route”. The manager from Pordenone who lent to racing finds himself (“in spite of myself ..”, as he likes to joke) fighting for the category title with people who have really grown up between pistons and spark plugs. Vagaggini (Quaddy Yamaha) in command with 231 points after five races, threatened by the young Turin Amerigo Ventura (Quaddy Yamaha) at 197.5 while the Veronese Graziano Scandola (Polaris Razor) is third at 179.


The Baja d’Autunno with coefficient 3 is giving away 78 points for the winner, 57 for the second and 48 for the third, keeping the coveted Aci Sport trophy in suspense until the last kilometer of the last race of the season. And although the fourth in the standings, Alessandro Tinaburri with 129.5 points, is cut out of the fight for the top, nevertheless he has already made it known that he will give his best together with all the other contenders to make the 2017 epilogue even more intriguing with a view on a 2018 of great ambitions.


Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office

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