Italian Baja 2024 in magyar sauce

02 June 2024

XXXI ITALIAN BAJA - Interporto di Pordenone 4/7 July 2024


Pordenone, 2nd June 2024_ The juiciest news of this Italian Baja 2024, scheduled from the 4th to the 6yh July, is the "Magyar sauce". The race organized by the Fuoristrada Club 4x4 Pordenone will also be valid for the Hungarian Championship, adding more ingredients to the challenge in the beds of Tagliamento, where this year's step for the FIA ​​European Cup and, of course, of the Italian Cross Country and Ssv Campionship will take place. But there's more, because the last competition for the tricolor Cup will be the Raid of The Champions in Nyirad, 150 km south-ovest from Budapest,  organized always with license from Fuoristrada Club 4x4 Pordenone.



A interweaving of interests and of agonistic references capable of increase the number of contestants in every race - and the Italian Baja already has a good feedback, also considering that enrollments are ending 20 th June



The firsts to send their application were the several times Italian Champion Lorenzo Codecà (11 titles won) with his Suzuki Grand Vitara T1, firm in his intent to affirm himself as the protagonist of the Single-brand challenge, and Federico Buttò with a Can Am T3, already leading the SSv rankings after the first two seasonal dates, Artunga Race and Baja Colline Metallifere.



The Pordenonese dentist will be a special observed one in the house challenge that could establish his leadership, thanks to the maximum coefficient (3)


Italian Baja Press Office

Ph M.Zuin e V. Da Parè





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