Artugna Race, opportunity for glory for the SSV

14 March 2024

Buttò and Castagnera, Bonetto and Tinaburri, Manocchi and Pietranera can aim for the big coup by starting the Italian season for now without the champion Ventura

Pordenone, 14 March 2024_ A splash of SSV on a dish rich in CCB. Menu of acronyms churned out by federal "masterchefs". This, in a nutshell, is the data obtained from the entry list of the 2024 Italian Baja Artugna Race.


Tomorrow the sporting and technical checks will make the numbers of the competitors at the start on Saturday official, with champions and former champions vying for the Cross Country Baja and a notable absentee in the Side by Side Vehicles sector: Amerigo Ventura. Since 2021, when the first Artugna Race was organised, the man from Torino has always won by dominating and was particularly keen to achieve a poker of successes. Even more so because his competitive history now has firm Pordenone roots thanks to the support of Angelo Montico's Off Road Team and the valorization of the young navigator Mirko Brun. But this year Ventura faces the specialty world championship, he recently competed in Saudi Arabia, the seasonal program and the significant financial commitment do not allow him to digress, in addition to the fact that his Yamaha Yxz 1000R will return to Italy only at the weekend. It's a shame for the Italian Baja di Primavera and the many enthusiasts who wanted to see it in action, but there is a great opportunity for glory available to Federico Buttò and Andrea Castagnera, both with a Group T3 Can Am, Alessandro Bonetto on Yamaha and Alessandro Tinaburri on Can Am of Gruppo T4, Michele Manocchi on Yamaha T4N and Fabrizio Pietranera on Can Am TM. Different configurations of the light tubulars declining prototypes and derivatives from the series, all capable of entertaining the crews and spectators who want to follow the Artugna while keeping themselves in safe positions and respecting the instructions of the course marshals.


Italian Baja Press Office

ph C.Capone

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