Artugna Race, there is the news of Morra in T2

09 March 2024

Pordenone, 9 March 2024_ Gianluca Morra is experiencing special days waiting for the first match of the season. Over twenty years of off-roading have not taken away his simplicity of emotions and enthusiasm for competition. Morra, from Novara, can't wait for yet another competitive debut because he has a new toy in his hands, a "production" vehicle that represents a change of pace after seven seasons of "expired approvals", winning cups and placings in the TH Trophy. He will therefore be at the start of the Italian Baja di Primavera Artugna Race (15/16 March) at the wheel of a Group T2 Suzuki Grand Vitara 1.9.


I was looking for new stimuli – explains Morra – and the opportunity arose to experiment with a more high-performance vehicle thanks to the Rally and Co. team for which Alberto Gazzetta, my main opponent last year, also competes. Of course it won't be easy in the national T2, even less so in the Challenge Suzuki against opponents of the caliber of Alfio Bordonaro, Lorenzo Codecà, Andrea Luchini, Emilio Ferroni and several others, truly excellent riders who, moreover, have decidedly better performing vehicles at their disposal. But the challenge excites me and I intend to do the entire championship, therefore with a significant investment, trying to take care of every single stage for the ranking".


There is also news on the right seat as Stefano Tironi from Bergamo will sail Morra, after the last season with Gianluca Sarabaglia and the past with Luca Abbondi

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