Italian Baja, the fighter Borsoi is present

01 July 2023

Pordenone, 1 July 2023_

He has many friends and fans also in Pordenone, because of his humanity and his sportive loyalty, way more than for his victories, still really consistent. He’s the only pilot that can boast a title both in Cross country (2017) and in SSv (2021), from Treviso, Elvis Borsoi is back at the Italian Baja on a Can-Am Maverick, three weeks after the success gained at the Rally Greece Off Road. Result that, thanks to the increased coefficient of the Hellenic challenge, puts him at the third placement in the tricolor provisional ranking (126 points), after Federico Buttò (171) and Andrea Tomasini (162), both on a Quaddy Yamaha.

We’ll then have a spectacular challenge on the beds of Meduna, Cosa e Tagliamento, with the roaring accompaniment of the lightweight tubulars in version T3, T4, T4N and TM, different preparation categories that correspond to a different power. Among the most fearable contestants the defending champion Amerigo Ventura with a chip on his shoulder after the disqualification inflicted in Greece for technical irregularity when he was in the first position.

Remembering that the race for the Italian Cup starts in the afternoon on Friday 6 July and ends next Saturday in the evening, while the one valid for the Fia World Cup, that is comprehensive of all the Cross Country and Ssv vehicles, ends mid-day on Sunday 9 July.

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