Italian Baja, many local challenges set the race on fire

04 July 2023

Pordenone, 4 July 2023 _ The challenge is global, but also local. To fight along the beds of Cosa, Tagliamento and Meduna there won’t be only crews from all over the world, but also pilots and codrivers from Pordenone, who grew up with the race organized by the Fuoristrada Club 4x4. At the Italian Baja, planned 6-9 July in the province of Pordenone, we’ll watch Federico Buttò e Andrea Tomasini, first and second in the ranking with 171 points one and 162 the other, battling over the Side by Side tricolor primacy. Who’s going to win? Buttò, together with Furlan Elisa Tassile, is guiding a Can Am Maverick, while Tomasini will be on a Yamaha Yxz1000r with Angelo Mirolo from Codroipo. It’s a duel between copilots also, since Tassile leads the national ranking with 7 lengths ahead of Mirolo.
At the “derby” participates another all local team, formed by Mauro Vagaggini and Manuela Perissinotti from Cordenons, on a Yamaha Yxz1000r. An Italian Side by Side title was won by the duo in 2017. Now they want to race ahead. There is also another high performance co-driver from Cordenons, Mirko Brun, that grew up in the Italian Baja organization that now sits next to Amerigo Ventura. He’s the tricolor and european defending champion together with the Piemontese pilot, on a Yamaha Yxz1000r, planning to stay ahead of everybody in the World Cup where they enrolled.
Pay attention also to the two local duels between off roads, because, on the right seats of the two Suzuki New Grand Vitara of the Tricolor defending champion Alfio Bordonaro and of Lorenzo Codecà, Stefano Lovisa (form Maniago) and Mauro Toffoli (from Pordenone) are codriving. The two occupy the second and the third place in the copilots ranking. Who’ll make it? And keep an eye to the two copilots Chiara Zoppellaro next to Andrea Debbi (Daihatsu Rocky) and Sandra Castellani with Maurizio Traglio (Nissan Patrol).


Carlo Ragogna Press Office Italian Baja

ph C.Capone



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