Artugna Race, how to get to the fateful 13

21 February 2023


Interporto of Pordenone, 10/11 March 2023


Artugna Race, how to get to the fateful 13

The "minor" race of the Fuoristrada Club 4x4 Pordenone offers emotions and show in a tricolor key and serves to train the world championship formation


Pordenone, February 21, 2023_A precise need to tighten ranks, test new solutions, reinforce the organizational team. Thus was born the idea of promoting a "minor" race to be joined to the Italian Baja World Cup, because that of the 4x4 Pordenone off -road vehicle is a small army of volunteers who certainly does not fight, but moves in unison, respects the Orders, he needs to keep in training and to vent his passion.


In 2000 the first Cellina Rally, five editions in a row, also counting the annus horrible 2004 when the "major" race was canceled a week after the street because suddenly authorizations were made regularly granted. In 2005 we continued with the Rally Tout Terrain of Friuli and went to the bed of the Tagliamento river. Then a long stop, concentrating the energies only on the international challenge divided by the European Cup (2005) and landed again in the World Cup (2011). In 2016, the launch of the Italian Baja d'Autunno in November in Valvasone, enthusiastically welcomed by Acisport to insperate the calendar of the Cross Country tricolor. In 2017, the Italian Baja di Primavera in March was added to Rauscedo with the Autunno celebrated at the "Valvadrom" on the "Motorhome". In 2018, spring marks records of members (47) but renounces the autumn due to flooding on the Pordenone plain. No national competitions over 2019-2020, between strategy and pandemic. The rescue baptized Artugna Race from 2021 with logistics at the Interport of Pordenone and a timetable route on the dirt roads of the foothills, joining the towns of Fontanafredda, Polcenigo, Budoia and Aviano.


Here, therefore, is how it arrives at the 13th Italian Baja di Primavera (10/11 March), third time of the Artugna Race that opens the Italian Cross Country and SSV 2023 championship. A few retouches to the track, only two days of engagement for the competitors, quite hard and compact terrain not to wear the vehicles at the beginning of the season. A single selective sector of about 28 km to be repeated 4 times and it will be pure fun sideslip and countersteering.


In photo Marco Tempestini - Giacomo Innocenti -Nissan Pick-up

Carlo Ragogna Italian Baja Press Office

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