Italian Baja, South Racing flexes its muscles

14 June 2023

Pordenone, 14th June 2023_ Present and in good shape. South Racing’s side by side team will with no doubt be one of the most numerous competing. Its ranks can rely on a father together with his son, two all female crews, a couple, husband and wife and crew members from 10 different nationalities. All deploying 7 Can Am Maverick on the starting line.



Between them Cristiano Batista, that competed for the first time at the Italian Baja last year: the brazilian pilot, T4 defending champion, is one of the fastest in his category and will arrive in Pordenone with all the intentions to repeat his success in 2022 and to improve his current third position in the T4 FIA chart. Erik Van Loon and his Anja will have respectively as codrivers Sebastien Delanauy and Floor Maten. For Octavio De Sousa, Cristiano Batista’s son, it’s a debut on friulian soil. Welcomed Dania Akeel’s return, together with her codriver Taye Perry, while it’s a debut for Argentinian Diego Martinez  with Uruguayan Sergio Lafuente on the right seat, for the first time on the beds of rivers Meduna, Cosa e Tagliamento, ready to dispute the entire Baja season. Fernando Alvarez, the T3 defending champion, is the team’s spearhead, that this year also tried other vehicles other than South Racing’s Can Am. The “gaucho” will have French Xavier Panseri as his co-pilot and is in need of gaining other points after Hail’s victory in Saudi Arabia, first step of 2023, to enforce his leadership on the category.


Carlo Ragogna Press Office Italian Baja

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