Enrollments are starting for the 30th Italian Baja

10 May 2023


Interporto di Pordenone, 6/9 July 2023

Enrollments are starting for the 30th Italian Baja
Cellina, Meduna, Cosa and Tagliamento’s fords have seen quite a lot of water flow in these 30 years full of emotions, surprises, falls and ascents for the Fuoristrada Club 4x4 Pordenone that never lost his track and now prepares to celebrate this important achievement, marking the beginning of yet another restart.


Pordenone, 11th May 2023_ Today we’re opening enrollments to the 30th Italian Baja, which will take place from 6 to 9 July 2023 at the Pordenone Interporto with a race track on the riverbeds of Meduna, Cosa e Tagliamento. Race track that this year is seeing some variations in comparison to that of last year, but without altering the classic structure: a small 10 km prologue on friday and two long stages with a selective stage of over 140 km repeated twice, one on saturday and the other on sunday. But this edition won’t be like the others.


It can’t be so for the very simple reason that 30 years deserve to be celebrated properly, remembering the past without indulging too much in nostalgia, looking forward with that optimism and that determination that always represented the work of the Fuoristrada Club 4x4 Pordenone. In 30 years lots of things have evolved, the protagonists of the race and many elements of it have changed, but the helmsman hasn't changed - nor the scenario, always on the riverbeds of western Friuli. Andrea Vignola leads the Fuoristrada Club as its president, while the manifestation’s skipper, sticking to the marinary glossary, is always Mauro Tavella, captain and drive behind every choice of route. They’ve been side by side since the beginning of this adventure, in that far 1993 when the first Italian Baya was born, from a discrete experience in nocturnal orienteering races and endurances 4x4, and was right away nominated at the Fia Tout Terrain World Cup.

As an “imprimatur” the victory of the darkarian Edi Orioli on other 13 contestants, marking the beginning of a challenge that doesn’t fear anything or anyone, but has respect for everybody. Ready, today as yesterday and despite the uncertainties of the international framework and the difficulties of the current economic situation, to entertain and amaze the enthusiasts and to challenge and glorify contestants coming from all over the globe.

See you Thursday 6th July at the Pordenone Interporto to start this new edition.


Carlo Ragogna Press Office Italian Baja



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