14th Italian Baja di Primavera - Artugna Race

04 December 2023

The Fuoristrada Club 4x4 Pordenone asd is honored by the renewed concession of the "Io Sono Friuli Venezia Giulia" trademark among the 2024 initiatives. Reason for which the trademark was granted: "the event of the Italian Championship ensures that several drivers and enthusiasts from all over Italy and abroad come to stay in our area. For this reason, a special guide will be prepared containing all the affiliated hotels and restaurants".


The "14th Italian Baja di Primavera - Artugna Race" is included as the first race of the Italian Cross Country Baja and SSV Championship, with foreign participation. Interporto Centro Ingrosso will act as the Headquarters with Race Direction and Press Room as well as Sports and Technical Checks, an Assistance Park open to the public and the Parc Fermé. FREE ENTRY. We look forward to seeing you from 15 to 16 March 2024



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