The return of Morra, one of the Samurai to the Artugna

08 March 2022

After having obtained three trophies in four seasons, he had slipped away a bit, but now the driver from Novara returns to the TH challenge and the Suzuki Challenge


8 March 2022_ The last race in September 2019, then the sale of his Mitsubishi Pajero 3.5 and some regrets, despite three TH Trophies (2015, 2016, 2018) obtained in four cross-country competitions. He seemed to have escaped a bit from the off-road environment, but the recent purchase of a Suzuki Samurai has changed the horizon of Gianluca Morra, who was thinking of dedicating himself to some regional races and instead still feels the call of the Italian Championship.




Here is explained the registration to the Artugna Race - Italian Baja di Primavera, which between Friday and Saturday will kick off a new Italian season. "I can't wait to try the Samurai in Pordenone - declares the Novarese - and find out what you can get from this toy, 1.6 displacement, Vitara engine and base, Swift head, with springs instead of crossbows. It will be hard to keep up with the opponents, but it is a bet, we are aware that it is all to be tested ". The plural involves the friend and co-driver Luca Abbondi.




"There is great harmony between us - specifies Morra - and we always aim to have fun. Then, when you are in the cockpit, a concentration mechanism is triggered and the desire to push, the adrenaline rises and everything else disappears, there is only the competition and the result counts, and how! ". Morra-Abbondi will compete for the TH Trophy and the Suzuki Challenge.


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