Shero Rally Team’s revolution they’re bringing three female crews at Italian Baja

28 June 2022

Pordenone, 28 june 2022_ This is not the first time women compete in Italian Baja. Actually there’s a long tradition, starting with German Jutta Kleinschmidt that won the 2001 edition driving a Mitsubishi Pajero. But, after more than 20 years, the race of Pordenone is witnessing an authentic revolution, since on the rivers of Meduna, Cosa and Tagliamento, 7-10 July, the leading role belongs to an entirely female crew based in Saudi Arabia, where the driver’s licence is a recent conquest for women (2018). It’s called Shero Rally Team and it was founded in 2020 by Iole De Simone, from Naples, who found in Riad a second home with a view on Dakar, a dream coming to reality in January 2023.


Recap: former professional gymnast, athlete at 360 degrees, forever in love with motors, De Simone experienced the Egyptian desert on two wheels only a couple years ago, finding a mentor of the calibre of Franco Picco, who counts two victories at the Faraoni. That’s where both the jump race and the overcoming of obstacles started and the Shero Team - portmanteau of “She” and “Hero” - says it all about her unstoppable passion.


At the beginning she teamed up with herself (“team manager, driver, co-driver, sponsor, head of marketing”), then she involved Franco Picco as head coach and American Journalist Sue Mead, winner of the 2011 Dakar, as an alter ego for everything.


The Italian Baja is Shero’s first international event, giving the opportunity of a perfect training without looking too much at the ranking, having set the goal for the beginning of next year.


The three crews competing:

Iole De Simone – Farida Abdullah

Ebigtail Al-Fahad – Sue Mead

Elham Aò-Fahad – Saja Kamal

For each one of them a Polaris Razor prepared by Lorenzo Cenzi’s Jazz Tech.


Results apart, this will be a great show of true courage and determination.


Carlo Ragogna Press Office Italian Baja

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