FIA Equipment Homologation

11 October 2022

For a piece of safety equipment to be approved by the FIA, the safety equipment manufacturer must comply with stringent regulations. The approval process is regulated by the FIA Homologation Regulation for Safety Equipment, which can be found HERE . Once the equipment is tested by an independent laboratory, the test data and samples are analysed in Geneva by the FIA Competitor Safety Engineers.


The ASNs have also an important role in this process, as they carry out an initial analysis and guarantee that the manufacturer is reputable. If the FIA Competitor Safety Engineers conclude that the safety equipment meets the FIA standard and the FIA Homologation Regulations for Safety Equipment, the product receives the official homologation and is included in the respective technical list (all technical lists can be consulted HERE .


The homologation is valid for five years and if the manufacturer wishes to continue to produce the safety equipment after that period, the manufacturer must request a re-homologation. To achieve the re-homologation approved by the FIA, the manufacturer must comply with the FIA minimum Quality Control requirements.


Enforcing the quality control system, allows the safety equipment manufacturers to identify any potential issues with a product during manufacturing. If the manufacturer reports to the FIA a specific problem found during their quality control processes, the FIA and manufacturer will work together to find a solution to remove the non-compliant products from the market.


The FIA Safety Equipment Homologation program has been designed to ensure that competitors can purchase high-quality safety products with confidence. That is why the FIA recommends that competitors should always look for the FIA hologram.

#FIASafety #FIAVisionZero

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