Yazeed AlRajhi, a contagious smile

01 July 2022

Will be first to start the current Fia Championship champion, already winner of the Italian Baja in 2014 and 2021, shows up driving a Toyota Hilux Overdrive.


Pordenone, 1st July 2022_ Will be because he’s a winning Knight, or because he always sees the good side of things, or because that’s just his nature. Surely, Yazeed AlRajhi has a contagious smile, one that brings joy. He qualified first at the 2014 and 2021 editions of the Italian Baja, he later won the Fia World Cup.




There are plenty of reasons for him to smile, but he has always shown himself available to human touch, before, during and after the race. That’s nothing new in Cross Country’s world, where there are no champions snobbing from their unreachable bubbles.




But Yazeed makes everything more special. He’s this edition’s front-runner, another time on his Toyota Hilux Overdrive, a vehicle he knows how to put on the verge on the beds of Meduna, Cosa and Tagliamento, so different from Middle East’s deserts, but equally fascinating. Some kilometers from Pordenone and the nearby towns, a landscape that enhances the offroad’s gurus. A situation seemingly unique in the international competitions’ landscape, with the Italian Baja ready to surprise again competitors, insiders and spectators. It’s almost time! Just a matter of days before the beginning of the competition.


Carlo Ragogna Press Office Italian Baja


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