The magnificent 7 at the Artugna Race

06 March 2022

The Yamaha SSVs are top of the range with the Turinese Ventura, Rocco, Bonetto, targeted by the Pordenone-based De Luna, De Piccoli, Vagaggini and Manocchi


March 6, 2022_ Fast, spectacular, fun, both in the cockpit and in the eye of the public placed on the track safely. The Side by Side Vehicles will play their part in the Artugna Race - Italian Baja di Primavera, ready to open the dances of the Italian Championship reserved for light tubulars.

The magnificent 7 are Yamaha Quaddy Yzx 1000 R, top of the range because in line with FIA regulations, no derogations. And in fact the leader Amerigo Ventura (T4) has the seasonal goal focused on the European Championship and the Artugna will serve as a test, with the Quaddy Yamaha Racing that will soon also have the French Gautier Paulin, former EMX2 world cross champion with podiums available. world champions in the MXGP elite. The team manager Angelo Montico assures: in Pordenone his garage will be open to all competitors with the Yamaha tubular, making a team regardless of team brands. The return of Mauro Vagaggini (TM) in the home race is very welcome: in 2017 he won the Acisport Cup somewhat surprisingly, putting in line well-known specialists. Andrea De Luna (T4) also reappears on the Artugna, who last year seemed projected to the enterprise, but an exit from the road in the final timed sector delivered success to Ventura. Curiosity to see Ruggero De Piccoli (TM) at work, more secluded than his rivals from the Pordenone brand, including Michele Manocchi (TM), born on the banks of the Noncello although Venetian by adoption. Turin, like Ventura, are finally Valentino Rocco (T4), the Italian protagonist in 2021, and Alessandro Bonetto (T4N), a former Abarth mechanic with a racing vocation.


Carlo Ragogna press office Italian Baja

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