Bordonaro went for the yellow weapon

27 June 2022

Bordonaro comes from Catania and will be at Italian Baja’s opening on a former official Suzuki Vitara to try to make up the ground lost during Italian Cross Country 


Pordenone, 27th June 2022_ “Let’s take a long step with a short step!”. The perfect sum up of what Cram Racing Team together with its crew, Alfio Bordonaro and Roberto Briani, has just decided: the purchase of the yellow weapon, Suzuki New Grand Vitara 3.6 T1, that brought so many championships to Lorenzo Codecà. A former official vehicle since it was followed by Emmetre Racing, Suzuki Italia’s operating arm, until last year. A long step considered that, up to this day, the driver has handled very well vehicles from that series (gaining an overall victory at the Adriatic in May) and now is stepping in the prototypes dimension, upgrading his performance.


A short step considering Vitara’s characteristics, that still have a relevant impact on the Italian Championship. Being not a lucky survivor of the transfert in Greece, targeted by mechanical problems on the T2, now Bordonaro, again with Briani sitting at his right, is willing to play Italian Baja’s card at his best.

The coefficient 4 could give him the chance to fully enter the fight for the title.


Carlo Ragogna Press Office Italian Baja

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