Italian Baja tricolor Aci Sport the ratio is quadruple

22 June 2022

After Artugna, Adriatico and Greece, Alfano (Nissan) from Varese is at the top of the Baja Cross Country rankings, Ventura from Turin leads the SSV


Pordenone, 22nd June 2022_ Fourth of the six ticolor dates of 2022, Italian Baja July, 7-10 has the maximum ratio (4) and so quadruples the points for each race. To sum-up: the overall win (30), eventually with a first place in both races (5+5), means a total of 160 points, bringing great possibilities to win the league title. A blessing for those able to accomplish that, capitalizing on the transfer in Pordenone, characterized by a difficult and quite elitarian track on the beds of rivers Meduna, Cosa and Tagliamento.


Yes, the rivers. This year Fuoristrada Club 4x4 Pordenone has worked to keep the track as far as possible from the waterways, since river crossings often present some trouble to the less agile and performative vehicles. But, at the moment, there is no water: drought is affecting all our country. Of course we can joke about it a little bit, but the situation is serious, since in the previous years Italian Baja often had to deal with river floods on the track, which caused last minute arrangements. Anyway, the Aci Sport tricolor is ready for the race with this (almost ufficial) rankings.




In the Italian Cross Country Baja, after Artugna, Adriatico and Greece, leading the ranking is Andrea Alfano from Varese (Nissan Pathfinder) with 190 points, second Alessandro Trivini Bellini from Mantua (Mitsubishi Pajero) with 173 points while the third place is owned by Mauro Cantarello  from Rovigo (Suzuki Grand Vitara) at 166, at the moment he’s also leading the Suzuki Challenge,competition that always turns out to be a resource on the side of participations at the national cup. This year Italian SSV is basically a duel between Amerigo Ventura and Valentino Rocco (both on Quaddy Yamaha Yxz1000R), the first with 260 points and the second with 203.


Carlo Ragogna Press Office Italian Baja

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