A good vintage Artugna Race perfume

04 March 2022

After twenty years Claudio Allegranzi and Sandra Castellani are back in the race together, "Pioneers" of off-road vehicles in Pordenone and protagonists of the Italian Baja tout terrain.



March 4, 2021_ Perhaps they are the best testimonials of the Off-road Club 4x4 Pordenone. There is no ranking, it's just a matter of sensations on the skin. Claudio Allegranzi and Sandra Castellani ran together when it all began in the "Roaring Eighties" on the riverbed of the Meduna-Cellina river, with the first night orientation and endurance challenges, while in the "fantastic Nineties" they were among the protagonists of the Italian Baja tout terrain, crossing the wheels with the very champions Pierre Lartigue, Jean Louis Schlesser, Kenjiro Shinozuka and various company. The last time as a couple was in the 2001 edition, the one won by Jutta Kleinschimdt, and then each one on his way, also archiving experiences in the desert (Egypt and Tunisia) to probe the challenges to the limit. But now, after twenty years, a sudden flashback: Allegranzi-Castellani signed up for the Artugna Race, as excited as young kids, preparing a Suzuki Grand Vitara T1 with the support of Stefano Marzotto, former companion to the Big Team of the last millennium. Now the team is the Mrc Sport of Brugnera, therefore an all-Pordenone origin for an Italian Baja di Primavera that opens the dances at the Italian Cross Country Baja and Ssv 2022 Championship with a good vintage scent.


Claudio is giving me a great gift - assures Sandra - because there are a thousand memories to celebrate and new sensations to try. We were 21 when we arrived at the Off-road Club Pordenone, another era, everything was different. We are now almost two retirees, but with a great desire to get back into the game in a special context, the Artugna Race on the foothills, a stone's throw from home. Dirt road, rather rally, not at all easy for our heavy and raised vehicles. But the pitfalls are part of this beautiful sport that still has the flavor of adventure "

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